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A cost-effective method to process returned concrete


Get started with CrispyCrete today!


Why CrispyCrete?

CrispyCrete is a patented and sustainable concrete reclamation technology that outshines antiquated processes with its efficiency, ease of use and cost savings. CrispyCrete is easy to install and operate, and it will reduce your existing costs to handle returned concrete in an environmentally friendly manner.


Current Process vs. CrispyCrete’s Process

CrispyCrete's patented process substantially reduces the amount of water used, while significantly cleaning up your yard as shown in the below examples.

Current Process

CrispyCrete’s Process

Plant Yard Before & After CrispyCrete


CrispyCrete® Benefits

Improved Profitability:

CrispyCrete’s patented technology is installed quickly and is easy to operate. Our process reduces your existing cost to handle returned concrete. As a bonus, you can easily sell the recycled material for base and fill applications.

Improved Sustainability:

Our patented technology does not produce material that needs to be landfilled, substantially reduces the amount of water used, reduces the amount of virgin aggregate used, and thus offers substantial environmental improvements associated with the processing of unhardened concrete.

Water Reduction:

CrispyCrete’s patented technology uses a minimal amount of water to process returned concrete. When compared to washout pits, our technology uses 90% less water!

Plant Efficiency:

Our patented technology allows concrete producers increased efficiency while cleaning up your yard by reducing/eliminating bulk waste. See the difference before and after using CrispyCrete.

Implementation and Use:

Our technology can be installed easily and its use will save precious time compared to current returned concrete processing methods. Concrete plants can fully implement our technology within a few days and start to more than recoup costs from its returned concrete.


About CrispyCrete®

Charles Bell is the founder of CrispyCrete and the inventor of CrispyCrete's patented technology that is revolutionizing the way the concrete industry handles returned concrete.

Charles has worked in the ready-mixed concrete industry for over 50 years. During Charles' career, he managed and oversaw various concrete plants and accumulated vast knowledge of the day-to-day challenges of the ready-mixed concrete industry. It is estimated that plants under Charles' direction produced more than 2,500,000 cubic yards of concrete! Charles was the first to bring front discharge trucks to Alabama and was a leader in seeking ways to reduce the environmental impact of the ready-mixed concrete industry. He was on the forefront to embrace the recycling of water and the use of modern concrete settling ponds. In 1995, he was featured on the cover of "Concrete Products" publication for his varied innovations and specifically for his concrete plant design. He was honored by receiving the 2015 Alabama Concrete Industries Association Chairman's Award, which recognizes those individuals that have made significant contributions to the Alabama concrete industry.

Throughout Charles' career, he continued to develop and evaluate various methods to address the burden that returned concrete places on concrete plants. He tried all available methods and some of his own inventions, none of which was cost effective, sustainable, and placed the producer in control. Recently after many years of experimenting, he made a breakthrough that led him to invent CrispyCrete's process to treat returned concrete. CrispyCrete's process is developed by a producer for producers and is revolutionizing the way the concrete industry handles returned concrete. CrispyCrete's method saves the producer money, is easy to install and use, makes plant site easy to keep clean, gives the producer full control, uses minimal water, and the process more than pays for itself.



Testimonial: B.H. Hall Ready Mixed Concrete

“I’ve been meaning to sit down and write you a letter to let you know how satisfied we have been with your CrispyCrete® equipment. Our team has found the function and operation of the system simple and accurate. We are producing a quality product from our leftover concrete and have been able to sell the material to customers looking for an inexpensive crush-n-run. I appreciate the time you dedicated to training our drivers and for continuing to keep in touch.”

— Albert Glass, Director of Operations, B.H. Hall Ready Mixed Concrete

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Learn More

Contact us for more information on our patented process and for a quote to use it at your plant. Complete the form below, or call us at (833) 4-CRISPY.